"Extreme Neighborhood Makeover" in Armory District of Providence, R.I.

Rhode Island Monthly Magazine just named the Armory District in Providence, R.I., as one of "The Best Places to Live" in Rhode Island. The Magazine hit the newsstand today, and the article can be viewed online though a subscription. In the article, you'll find the lowdown on many other highly-regarded Rhode Island town and city neighborhoods.

The Armory District, located in West Providence, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and has really undergone an "extreme neighborhood makeover" with homes (including many Victorians) being restored to their former glory, and shops and restaurants opening.

Channel 10 NBC WJAR television anchor/reporter Alison Bologna, did an outstanding job, as usual, reporting on the Armory District's progress. We encourage you to take a look the Channel 10 video above. This is the way reporting should be done,  and it's nice that the Armory District is the subject matter.

We realize that areas around the Armory District are definitely a work in progress, but the strides made toward making this area of Providence special are undeniable. We look forward to more good news in the near future in regards to the Armory District. In the meantime, enjoy the Rhode Island Monthly article and/or the Channel 10 video!


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