Turner Pond Offers an Amazing Winter Ice Skating Experience in Walpole, Mass.

Turner Pond, Walpole, Mass. (photo by Eric)
A local well-known television reporter once covered the Turner Lodge at Turner Pond in Walpole, Mass., for a nighttime segment and told me: "If I lived around here, I'd be out here every night."

Turner Lodge and Pond have that effect, being so close to Boston (18 miles) but coming across as a place you'd expect to find on vacation in, say, Vermont or New Hampshire.

The Turner Pond Lodge (photo by Eric)
The scenic pond, just outside Walpole center, is ideal for ice skating and the cozy, rustic red-colored lodge features sofas, a fireplace, television, books, board games, snacks, hot chocolate and a dining table where locals bring in, and sometimes share, home-cooked meals. There's really a great community feel at this little cabin situated by the pond and alongside beautiful forest land. The experience is especially incredible at night (when officially open) as locals of all ages skate along with the cold, crisp air under the stars with a hint of wood burning in barrels to provide some warmth near the benches.

Not too long ago abandoned but fortunately brought back to life by Walpole volunteers, Turner Pond is now a much-needed Boston area winter destination, bringing in hundreds of "Walpoleans" and non-residents that, up until recently, had no really good choices for supervised pond ice skating. There's enough room set aside on the 17 acre pond for the hockey players, figure skaters, beginners and others looking forward to this idyllic ice time.

Ice skating at Turner Pond is only open when the thickness of the ice is deemed at an acceptable level by onsite managers and volunteers are available for supervision. Walpole residents can sign up for $20 a season, non residents $30, by downloading and signing forms ahead of time. For more information, log onto the Walpole Ponds Facebook page.

The rustic, cozy Turner Lodge (photo by Eric)

Related article:
Visiting Walpole, Mass.


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