New England Town of the Day: Sandwich, MA

Sandwich, MA, pleasantly combines two of the best elements of New England: the quaint white steeple church, tree-lined, Colonial home downtown look and the seaside charm of New England. Proving that you don't have to drive too far through Cape Cod to get the true essence of this legendary vacation destination, Sandwich, the oldest town on Cape Cod incorporated in 1639, is just minutes from the Sagamore Bridge -- connecting mainland Massachusetts with Cape Cod. Sandwich offers a great deal of scenery and attractions for its residents and vacationers: ocean beaches, a pretty harbor, a bike and walking trail along the Cape Cod Canal, and quintessential inns and restaurants including the renowned Daniel Webster Inn and Restaurant, golf, boating opportunities and gift shops. Developed without being overdeveloped, Sandwich is one of our favorite Cape Cod destinations as it is the "real deal" -- not the hokey, cheesy Cape Cod that is becoming more dominant these days. Sandwich, on the other hand, is just Cape Cod being Cape Cod!