A Magical Travel Moment in New England
Sometimes the end of the day can feel like just the beginning. After a long, fun day in the York Beach, Maine, summer sun, the crowds lessen, the sky and ocean take on dramatic colors, the imposing rocky coast appears to relax a little, and the thick, humid air starts to refreshingly thin out. Add a touch of Mother Nature's Maine Division patent on salt sea air and a soft summer breeze, and you'll never want to leave. It's truly a magical travel moment in New England!
Having to leave soon after experiencing New England travel nirvana is particularly frustrating when on a day trip. Enjoying the moment, however, and reveling in this one-of-a-kind feeling that the Maine coast provides is always the road map to embark on for the memories will last forever.
You can log onto our York Beach, Maine feature article to learn more about this special coastal New England travel destination.
Editor's note: This Magical Travel Moment in New England blog post is inspired by Maggie Kerrigan, author of The (almost) Blank Journal. Her book is a tremendous tool to help potentiate one's own innate creativity. I encourage you to read it!
Having to leave soon after experiencing New England travel nirvana is particularly frustrating when on a day trip. Enjoying the moment, however, and reveling in this one-of-a-kind feeling that the Maine coast provides is always the road map to embark on for the memories will last forever.
You can log onto our York Beach, Maine feature article to learn more about this special coastal New England travel destination.
Short Sands Beach, York Beach, Maine (photo by Eric)0 |
Editor's note: This Magical Travel Moment in New England blog post is inspired by Maggie Kerrigan, author of The (almost) Blank Journal. Her book is a tremendous tool to help potentiate one's own innate creativity. I encourage you to read it!