Delicious Dives: Tee T's Restaurant and Lounge in Walpole, MA

Everyone is an expert on life at Tee T's restaurant and lounge in Walpole, MA. Customers and staff talk about the economy, politics, social issues (mostly women), sports, and the direction of their hometown, sometimes with more clarity and sincerity than your local radio talk show host. It's a place where one can talk about the good old days of playing sports at Walpole High School while wearing your now tight-fitting varsity or junior varsity sports jacket.
The conversation flows as well as the beer. The news on the television further elicits strong comments about our society where some Tee T's customers pointedly talk back at the television. Tee T's is indeed Moe's Tavern (from the Simpson's) come to life. And without the music ever playing, you can hear "Glory Days" by Bruce Springsteen blaring in your head as the unofficial soundtrack for Tee T's.
On one visit, three older men talked about their health woes, one, unfortunately, having recent bypass surgery. They talked about trying to become healthier, and then proceeded to order burgers, fries and beer. What's more, it always seems like there are as many people smoking outside the restaurant as those inside eating and drinking.
Tee T's ambiance is low on the HGTV decor chain with one long, narrow worn-out bar and one long, narrow worn-out dining room separated by a long, narrow, worn-out thin wall, Tee T's will certainly never be mistaken for your trendy, upscale dining spot with an attitude. Oh, you do get some attitude here, but it's mainly in the form of a gruff but sincere "What would you like, honey?"
It's nice when real people serve real food -- like oversized meatloaf dinners, prime rib, chicken sandwiches with mounds of cheese, burgers, perfectly done french fries, and, somehow, a very good iceberg salad. Of course, beer is a signature item at Tee T's. You won't find anyone drinking Romanee Conti Red Burgundy here.
I usually dine at Tee T's when my car is being fixed (so, lately, I've been going to Tee T's more often). The result is always good, as I leave with a satisfying all-American meal and a taste of Walpole in its true "townie" form.
Tee T's
943 Main St
Walpole, MA 02081
(508) 668-9855