New England Town of the Day: Somesville, Maine

Not to be confused with the more urbane Somerville, MA, Somesville, Maine, isn't even officially a town: it's part of the municipality of Mt. Desert Island! Regardless of its designation, Somesville sure looks like a real New England coastal town with its quaint look enhanced by amazing views of Somes Sound, mountains, inlets and other rural scenery that remain unspoiled. There's not much to do in Somesville except take in the views and visit the wonderful Port In A Storm Book Store -- one of the best examples of a successful, friendly independent book store that we've found in New England. Of course, it helps to have those great water views (including a waterfall) within a stone's throw of the book store. Port In A Storm is up to date on many of the latest books, but offers an especially impressive selection of books about Maine.
Acadia National Park is the real draw within Mt. Desert Island with its stunning views of the ocean and mountains, but make sure to include Somesville as part of your travel plans here. Its unassuming qualities might just rank up there with the best memories during your Acadia National Park vacation.
I've done some paintings of Schoodic Point and Bass Harbor Light. Wonderful spots! Grindstone Neck is high on my list as well!