The Inn at Woodstock Hill Offers the Quintessential New England Travel Getaway

Article by Eric H. All this talk about bail-outs and recessions just makes one want to bail out to a peaceful travel destination to get away from all this ugly, elitist-driven financial madness. We couldn't think of a better place to temporarily escape than the Inn at Woodstock Hill in Woodstock, Conn. The tell-tale sign that The Inn at Woodstock Hill is an ideal getaway is that it's located in the northeast area of Connecticut called the "Quiet Corner." The Inn at Woodstock Hill delivers on this appealing moniker, majestically residing in its 1816 Federal/Georgian presence on a hill surrounded by higher rolling hills, some of the prettiest large old Colonial homes you'll ever see, and a peaceful aura that simply forces relaxation. Woodstock is indeed a worthy extension of the Inn at Woodstock Hill (or, vice versa). Void of any unctuous strip malls, hostile commuting traffic, or other "Anytown USA" trappings (why do we call this civilization?), Woodstoc...