20 Fun Must-See New England Family Travel Attractions
The Salem Witch Museum, Salem, Mass. (photo by Eric) Here are 20 fun, must-see New England family travel attractions to put on your Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont trip planning lists: Outdoor Living Museums Old Sturbridge Village A long-time favorite New England family travel attraction, Old Sturbridge Village depicts rural New England life in the 1800s "in the company of farmers, craftsmen and fascinating characters." The well-preserved homes and buildings on the premises will warm your heart and the hired staff, playing theirs roles convincingly, bring you back to another era when life was much more simple. Old Sturbridge Village, Route 20 (two miles west of I-84 and I-90), Sturbridge, Mass. Tel. (508)347-3362. Plimoth Plantation OK, so the Pilgrims actually first landed on Cape Cod, but Plymouth was their first permanent settlement. The Pilgrim village has been built as realistically as possible and the actors a...