Massachusetts Town Greens Book Features Beautiful Historic Town Commons

Massachusetts Town Greens book Who loves a good old-fashioned New England town common? If so, I am pleased to tell you that I have written a book entitled "Massachusetts Town Greens" that features 70 beautiful town commons. The experiences of visiting these town commons and writing about them has truly been amazing and I look forward to sharing them with you in the book! Many of the town greens in Massachusetts have historical significance -- whether as former cow pastures, military training grounds, religious centers, etc. -- but also serve as fabulous modern day gathering places that, depending on the town green, include farmers markets, Veterans and Memorial Day observances, summer concerts on the common, and seasonal festivals. The look of a typical town common is wonderfully familiar with a gazebo, paved walkways, benches, dedication monuments and, of course, scenic green spaces. The book includes historical information, interesting anecdotes, descriptions ...