Visiting Old Sturbridge Village During the Fall and Into Thanksgiving

Strolling the Common at Old Sturbridge Village in autumn. Photographer: Thomas Neill Tweet Article by Eric H. If you're looking for an educational and entertaining New England travel attraction for the whole family, Old Sturbridge Village (OSV) in Sturbridge, Mass., continues as one of the region's best destinations. The authentic, expansive Sturbridge Village living museum presentation expertly recreates rural New England during the 1790s through the 1830s. The village layout is tremendously thoughtful and detailed with 59 historic buildings on 200 acres, three water-powered mills and two covered bridges. Additionally, you can visit with knowledgeable New England historians in costume, ride in a stagecoach, view antiques, heirloom gardens, meet the farm animals, and take part in hands-on crafts. Additionally, the charming Oliver Wight Tavern looks like an 1830s rural New England tavern and offers lunch, Sunday Brunch and Friday night dinners, at t...