What New England Town Reminds You Most of Small Town America?

Article and photo (of Wrentham, MA) by Eric H. They've been called Norman Rockwell towns, a scene out of Currier and Ives, or in our modern New England world, a "wicked cool place to be." Small town America still exists in our New England communities, although often challenged by rampant development. What are some true New England small-town elements? A wholesome look from the 1950s, many times with a town common, schools and church all within the downtown district, local diner, ice cream parlor, historic municipal buildings, a general or country store, and tree-lined side streets with big-old homes. Most importantly, small town America features lots of community events, a traditional sense of values, a slower pace of life, and close-knit, low crime neighborhoods. Although few towns seem to contain all elements of small town America, here is my current top 10 list of classic New England small towns (subject to change): Chester, CT South Berwick, Maine Southwest Harbor, M...